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Fighting friendly and making friends!

Children and junior practitioners are welcome to AikiCircle's junior classes! We have groups available for 6-year-olds to 13-year-olds (if you're older than 13 you are already welcome to the adult group!).

Junior Aikido offers children and young people skill training, varied exercise and a friendly atmosphere.

According to Aikido’s peaceful philosophy, there are no competitions in junior Aikido - the goal is the trainee’s own well-being and growth both physically and mentally. Aikido develops basic physical skills such as coordination, flexibility, strength and mobility but also the ability to concentrate and respect other people.

AikiCircle's junior instructors Antti, OP and Konstamikko are experienced Aikidoka as well as trained and certified junior instructors. Antti and Konstamikko are also members of the Finnish Aikido Association's junior committee.


Leave your contact information below and we'll tell you how your child can get into their new hobby right away! :)

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Kaikki seuran juniorileirit ja -tapahtumat

Junnujen omat video- ja oheismateriaalit

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